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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blog Four

As far as I can remember, the Chupacabra has always been a story of myths and illusions. It’s translated name “Goat Sucker”, is as literal as its given intentions. It has been said that the Chupacabra would wreak havoc on farms, killing and sucking the blood of the livestock. Mostly feeding upon the goats. As every illusion goes, there are always “witnesses”. Those who’ve claimed to come in contact with the suspect either to gain some media related attention or because they’ve literally convinced themselves that this thing exists.
It’s point of origin is more of an opinion by the masses. Few believe it’s from Mexico, others claim Puerto Rico and the rest believe it to be the Latin parts of the Americas. Others can come forth to agree that this thing is from the southern parts of the Americas where the Latins and Hispanics reside. There are so many stories from around that state where the Chupacabra came from and how it came to be. None of this for sure can be true since every created story derives from individuals. If they were all to come to an agreement, I’m sure the point of origin and the myth could be much more realistic.
This heap of malarkey has been so publicized that it truly has convinced a mass population of people. The stories have been so exaggerated that people really begin to convince themselves this creature is out there feasting on livestock and sucking their blood dry. It even goes so far as to there being false witnesses. Those false witnesses have seen dogs but claim it was the Chupacabra that’s how absurd this illusion has become. Another reason being for this is illusion to spread so quickly and convincingly could be because so many people speak of it regardless of the conversations or situations. It has been brought to their attention incessantly that it’s convinced them of it’s existence.

to be continued.i think and hope.

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